Local jurisdictions must have ordinances by 2024 allowing medical cannabis delivery, but some bureaucracies are sticking to “outside-in” models. And this is exactly why we lobby for a second, competitive dispensary in the city of Sonoma. "From the League of California...
“Evil genius”
Erich Pearson, the owner of the only dispensary in our town, has worked diligently to prevent the Sonoma City Council from permitting our second dispensary. Mr. Pearson is adamantly opposed to any competition that would keep him from dominating the local market, even...
Please Sign Our Position Paper RE: More Cannabis Retail Stores in California
Please Sign Our Call for More Cannabis Retail Stores in California We need your support. The cannabis industry must address local control and its negative effects on the industry as a whole and the hardships it creates for seniors, veterans, young people with...
Racism and Cannabis?
What follows is an e-mail one of our members sent to the Mayor and each Sonoma City Council member today. Our member was prompted to do so after listening to a recent Sonoma County Board of Supervisor's meeting that included an unprecedented string of racist rants via...
What if?
Let’s say Sonoma only allowed one grocery store and you were forced to choose between shopping at the very expensive Sonoma Market or driving to Napa or Santa Rosa for cheaper products, or for items not available at the local market. Would this be acceptable to you?...
An Obvious Question…
SEEWEED – PART ONE – McLovin Farm in Laytonville
https://youtu.be/lVMYGCgAE0c Short film (16 minutes) featuring just one of many legacy family cultivators trying to survive in the Emerald Triangle, where some of the best cannabis flower we all enjoy is grown. Starting at the Mendocino Producers Guild markets in...
People are getting hurt…
Cannabis has been king in this rural area of northern California. But as prices plummet, communities and business owners are hurting, with no clear solutions in sight. Many blame Proposition 64 for undermining small growers....
Sonoma and Local Control: Strengthens illicit market, keeps prices high
"The second fatal flaw is local control, or the requirement that cannabis businesses receive permits from both the local jurisdiction and the state. That sounds reasonable. But in practice, it’s led to cannabis retail bans in much of the state. By allowing...
Healdsburg will host two retail dispensaries.
In protecting a city-sponsored monopoly, Sonoma refuses to begin the process for its second dispensary.Healdsburg and Sonoma each have a population of 11,000. Their "Greater Trade Areas" both account for populations of 40,000-50,000.The nearest dispensaries outside of...