A Hollow Victory
This sidebar once declared in its headline, “Success!”. And it was true at the time. After 4 long years of cajoling and discussion, the city of Sonoma had finally come to permit 2 walk-in retail cannabis dispensaries.
Unfortunately, though the first dispensary has been open for a year now, its owner, Erich Pearson of sparc, along with his Strategic Advisor and part owner of the Sonoma shop, Amy O’Gorman Jenkins, have been lobbying the city to stop the process for a second dispensary.
On September 8, 2021, Pearson told the city council that he had to close 2 shops in San Francisco because he “couldn’t pay the bills”, and he was facing a 1.2 million dollar rebuild. He did not, however, disclose that he was preparing to open a new dispensary and consumption lounge on Polk Street in San Francisco. Poor on the one hand, prosperous on the other?
The result was that the city council voted to support what amounts to a city-sponsored monopoly and that for the foreseeable future, Mr.Pearson will not face any competition that would provide medical patients with better prices, more product choices, and additional services.
Ms Jenkins, who runs her own lobbying firm, Precision Advocacy, and is also the Legislative Advocate for the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA), is a native to Sonoma. Her ties to the local community afford her a unique position to influence local policy. She was a contributor to the campaigns of cannabis-friendly candidates Rachel Hundley in 2018 and Sandra Lowe in 2021. Most recently, Ms. Lowe appointed Ms. Jenkins to the local Planning Commission.
Appearances are everything. Contributions can create avenues for corruption, either grand or petty. Cronyism and favors to rig a market are unacceptable.
We thank everyone in this group and on our mailing list for their support, for signing the petition, for writing the letters and contributing to the discussions.
Thanks to Ken Brown and Jewel Mathieson for their years of advocacy for patients’ access to safe, legal medical cannabis. Their goal of local access has finally been realized.
And thanks to our past city council allies Amy Harrington and Logan Harvey for leaning forward on this issue. They helped define Sonoma as a city of progressive values in Sonoma County.
In the meantime, the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group will continue to keep you informed on all the latest developments in 2022.
Best Regards,
Gil Latimer
Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group
The Voice for Cannabis in Sonoma Valley since 2017
Dispensaries Near You
Click on this handy map provided by the Department of Cannabis Control to find a location near you.
All of the below are in Santa Rosa unless otherwise noted
JVA Global Supplies LLC 335 Ohair Ct
Doobie Nights 3011 Santa Rosa Ave
Alternatives, A Health Collective 1603 Hampton Way
Smh Resources, Inc. 3403 Santa Rosa Ave
Cookies Santa Rosa 1937 Santa Rosa Ave
Phenotopia 443 Dutton Ave
Organicann 301 E Todd Rd
Mercy Wellness 900 Santa Rosa Ave
Responsible Patient Care, Inc 1061 N Dutton Ave
BKind, Inc. 1128 Sonoma Ave
Cannavine 1831 Guerneville Rd
Flora Terra 1226 4th St
Jane Dispensary 2074 Armory Dr
Solful 755 Farmers Ln
Sonoma Patient Group, Inc. 2425 Cleveland Ave
Alternatives East 2300 Bethards Dr
HerbNJoy 3059 Coffey Ln
Aloha Aina, Inc. 1954 Piner Rd
The Hook Dispensary 817 Russell Ave
Stiizy 3175 Range Ave
Solful 785 Gravenstein Hwy S., Sebastopol, CA
SPARC 6771 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol, CA
365 Recreational Cannabis 2750 Mendocino Ave
Cannadel 4036 Montgomery Dr
Humanity Wellness 3791 Cleveland Ave
Jane Dispensary 8145 Gravenstein Hwy
Mercy Wellness 7950 Redwood Dr, Cotati, CA
Redwood Herbal Alliance 5270 Aero Dr
Down Under Industries, INC. 50 Ely Rd N., Petaluma, CA
Riverside Wellness 15025 River Rd, Guerneville, CA
SPARC 19315 Sonoma Hwy, Sonoma, CA
Cannabis Resources
Cannabis 101: Educational Information & Resources
- Cannabis education and information on ways to consume, cannabinoids, types of cannabis, and more.
Special Report: Debunking Dispensary Myths
- A comprehensive survey and analysis of all available studies regarding cannabis dispensaries and public safety, teen use and property values.
Marijuana Statistics in the US: Cannabis Use & Abuse (2023 Data Update)
- This U.S. marijuana statistics report shows how the cannabis landscape has changed over the years. It also offers a glimpse of its future.
More Resources
- The Best of Cannabis Tourism in Sonoma County. Get Educated on California Cannabis Culture and the Sonoma County Cannabis Lifestyle.
Sonoma County Medical Marijuana ID Program
- The Sonoma County Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) program provides patients with an ID card to show they have a recommendation from their physician to use marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Sonoma County Cannabis Program
- Central location for the multi-department implementation of the County’s Cannabis Program.
Sonoma County Cannabis Alliance
- The mission of the Sonoma County Growers Alliance is to collaborate with and educate businesses, individuals, government and regulatory bodies in the cannabis industry.
- Non-profit, membership organization dedicated to reforming California’s marijuana laws and focuses on consumers.
California Cannabis Industry Association
- Promotes the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry; works for a favorable social, economic, and legal environment for the cannabis industry in the state of California.
National Cannabis Industry Association
- National trade association advancing the interests of the legitimate and responsible cannabis industry.