Former Sonoma Mayor Ken Brown’s Letter to the Editor

The following Letter to the Editor by former Mayor Ken Brown was published in today’s IT. Below it, is the Comment we posted to the letter.

Loss of enthusiasm

EDITOR: I find it a bit ironic that, as the Sonoma City Council reviews its selections for Rachel Hundley’s vacant council seat, I am resigning from the board of the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Enthusiasts.

I no longer feel that the enthusiast organization fits with my views on cannabis in the Sonoma Valley.

I joined this group with my late wife, Jewel Mathieson, grounded in the principles of good medical cannabis policy.

The recent lobbying by those connected to the industry is disrespectful to Jewel’s core belief in unfettered public access to medicinal cannabis.

I will continue to advocate for a second dispensary at council meetings, and for positive conversations with folks in the industry and concerned citizens of Sonoma.

I am a prompt responder to phone calls and emails, so please feel free to contact me.

Ken Brown


Our Comment:


Know that the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group fully supports your decision to step away from the SVCE. Not to be confused with the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group, which has worked tirelessly for the last 3 and a half years to bring a cannabis dispensary to Sonoma, elements connected with the SVCE did indeed lobby the city council to reconsider permitting a second dispensary. Why would an organization that purports to be for cannabis business in the Valley actually work against the best interests of our medical patients and adult consumers?

Gil Latimer
Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group


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