A Hollow Victory

This sidebar once declared in its headline, “Success!”. And it was true at the time. After 4 long years of cajoling and discussion, the city of Sonoma had finally come to permit 2 walk-in retail cannabis dispensaries.

Unfortunately, that good cheer was short-lived. Though the first dispensary plans to open this spring, its owner, Erich Pearson of sparc, along with his personal lobbyist, Amy O’Gorman Jenkins, have worked with the Sonoma City Council to stop the process for a second dispensary.

Mr Pearson chose to misrepresent his financial situation to the Sonoma City Council in order to convince it to support what amounts to a city-sponsored monopoly, rather than face any competition that would provide medical patients with better prices, more product choices, and additional services.

Ms Jenkins, who runs her own lobbying firm, Precision Advocacy, and is also the Legislative Advocate for the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA), is a native to Sonoma. Her ties to the local community afford her a unique position to influence local policy. She was a contributor to the campaigns of cannabis-friendly candidates Rachel Hundley in 2018 and Sandra Lowe in 2021.

Appearances are everything. Contributions can create avenues for corruption, either grand or petty. Cronyism and favors to rig a market are unacceptable.


We thank everyone in this group and on our mailing list for their support, for signing the petition, for writing the letters and contributing to the discussions.

Thanks to Ken Brown and Jewel Mathieson for their years of advocacy for patients’ access to safe, legal medical cannabis. Their goal of  local access has finally been realized.

And thanks to our past city council allies Amy Harrington and Logan Harvey for leaning forward on this issue. They helped define Sonoma as a city of progressive values in Sonoma County.

In the meantime, the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group will continue to keep you informed on all the latest developments in 2022.


Best Regards,

Gil Latimer

Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group

The Voice for Cannabis in Sonoma Valley since 2017

The mission of Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group (SVCG) has been to assist the city of Sonoma form a compassionate cannabis policy that will ensure safe and legal access to medicinal cannabis for the residents of Sonoma and Sonoma Valley.


On January 20, 2021, the city council voted to amend our ordinance to permit an additional walk-in retail dispensary. The newly revised ordinance went into effect on May 19.

A second retail outlet would improve service to the 45,000 people living in the greater Sonoma area. Competition can provide folks here with easy, safe access to more product choice, better services, etc. That’s what the free market is all about, isn’t it? Everybody wins, the city, adult consumers and *especially* medical users.

However, there have been forces within the industry that are working against the second dispensary option and would prefer that the new permit process be slow-walked. You can read about it in this post.

The Story Part 1: A Small California Town and the Politics of Cannabis

We’d like to share our story of the city of Sonoma and the politics of local control. It is currently being posted in episodic fashion across multiple social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, YouTube and here at the SVCG web site.Here is the first episode of our little mini-series:

This is the story of a small California town and the politics of cannabis. To some, it may read familiar. For others, it might be illuminating or instructive. It’s a story about conflicted interests, cronyism, and regulatory capture. It’s a story about lobbyists and the friends of lobbyists. It’s a story about bad faith operators and those who finance them. This is a story about a lot of things, and it’s going to take awhile to tell.

After 5 long years of argument, not always without scandal, the city of Sonoma had finally come to permit 2 walk-in retail cannabis dispensaries.

A second retail outlet would greatly improve service to the 45,000 people living in Sonoma and the Sonoma Valley. Competition can provide folks here with easy, safe access to more product choice, better services, etc. Everyone wins, the city, medical patients, and adult consumers.

So, all sounds good, right? It’s not.

The residents of the city of Sonoma continue to be denied reasonable access to medical and recreational cannabis. By reasonable, we mean what you might expect to be sensible and fair.

Let’s identify just some of the people and groups and their roles in this ongoing saga.

Erich Pearson, CEO of Responsible Patient Care, Inc. AKA SPARC, currently owns five dispensaries in the Bay Area. He owns the one and only operating dispensary in our city.

Emily Paxhia, Managing Partner of Poseidon Asset Management, LLC. – her firm is a key investor in SPARC. She also has a percentage interest in the SPARC Sonoma store.

The CITY OF SONOMA City Council, which for various reasons, has delayed the release of an RFP for a second dispensary.

The Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group, a prominent advocate for fair cannabis policy in the city of Sonoma.

Sonoma’s ordinance permits two dispensaries. However, the Sonoma City Council and the owner of the city’s lone operating dispensary and his partners continue to stand together in denying the will of the voters.

For the past year and ½ since he opened his store, Mr. Pearson has enjoyed a monopoly of service in Sonoma. He has no real competition.

Among Mr. Pearson’s questionable efforts to maintain this stranglehold on the local market, he recently slandered our advocacy group in public, in front of the City Council. He alleged that the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group has taken money from an unidentified outside source. This is wholly untrue. SVCG is an unincorporated non-profit association formed for the public benefit. We do not now, nor have we ever, received any funding from any source.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this account, this is a long story that must be told over time and it will all unspool in due course. Let’s just end this short introductory chapter with a video of Erich Pearson slandering the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group in front of the Sonoma City Council.

But wait – there’s more. As they say, watch this space…

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March 2025